Are you thinking about adding a new printer or two to your print fleet? Purchasing new printers without a plan can end up costing you more than you think. A Managed Print Services provider can help you make the most of your print environment. In addition to cost savings, the right provider will optimize your print
A realization that new managers need to have is that they don’t have the capacity to take care of every task that comes their way. As a manager, if you don’t know how to delegate, you’re setting yourself up for a long list of to-dos, and lots of long hours at the office. Passing off
It’s that time of year! The holidays are here and for many of us, the most wonderful time of the year is also the most hectic at work. Your team is asking for time off, customers are frantic or closing for the season, and it seems like everyone needs everything yesterday! How can you manage
Considering the prevalence of email use, email phishing scams continue to be one of the most effective ways for hackers to gain access to sensitive personal information. Email is considered to be one of the more vulnerable forms of communication because malicious characters can easily use it to forge a counterfeit identity. Large businesses and enterprises are common
Time is our most precious commodity. It seems like there’s never enough of it and we make it worse by wasting tons of it every day! Here are some common time wasters that you can learn to eliminate to recapture more time, and up your productivity while doing it! Email Excess – Of course, we can’t
Everyone knows that it’s important to treat your customers well, but did you know how important it really is? Studies show that the majority of customers are willing to pay more for a product if the company has excellent customer service, and businesses that prioritize customer service have a 60% higher profit margin. With so
Want to know the fastest growing crime to threaten small business? Cyber theft is on the rise, and small businesses are prime targets as they typically lack the resources and technology to keep ahead of sophisticated cyberattacks. In fact, almost half of all cyber attacks impact small businesses. A security breach can be damaging to
Although we’re immersed in digital technology on a daily basis, the majority of small businesses are still relying on paper-based processes. The challenge is that today’s businesses are tasked with producing more with fewer people, and a paper-intensive workplace impedes productivity by requiring employees to keep up with all of the paperwork. Fortunately, organizations that
Data security is something that every business big or small needs to take seriously. In fact, a 2017 report from found that 43% of cyberattacks target small businesses. Even more concerning is that 60% of small companies that are attacked go out of business within six months. But in order to protect against risks
There’s a reason large corporations are moving to digital workflows: paper is costing you money, and a lot of it. As a small business owner, you need to carefully monitor your resources to stay competitive, but many SMBs are hesitating to go paperless. Making the switch could have dramatic, positive, effects on your business. The